Take a Respondus LockDown Browser Exam on a Davidson Computer

LockDown Browser® is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within a learning management system. Used at over 2000 higher educational institutions, LockDown Browser is the “gold standard” for securing online exams in classrooms or proctored environments.

How to Launch the Respondus LockDown Browser

  1. Log into the Davidson computer using your normal Davidson username and password.
    Please be patient! Logging into a computer for the first time may take up to 3-4 minutes. Please do not give up and restart the computer.
  2. Log into Moodle as usual.
  3. Go to your exam. Click on the "Launch LockDown Browser". You will get a message about whether you want to open the LockDown browser. Click on "Open LockDown Browser".
  4. Once the browser launches you will see an "Start quiz" button. Click on this button to begin your exam.
    Tip: Moodle exam responses are saved as you move from one question to another. As such, it is prudent to periodically move forward or backward in the exam to save your work.
  5. When you have submitted your exam, please close the LockDown Browser by clicking on the tiny red dot (on Mac) in the upper left corner of the exam window, or the X on Windows. Then please log off the computer.
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