How-To: Subscribe to your Moodle calendar in Outlook, iOS, or Google Calendar

Moodle's calendar is useful for tracking things like assignment due dates, test dates, etc., but you may already use a calendar app on your device(s). You can integrate your Moodle calendar easily into any calendar app that supports calendar subscription. Follow the steps below.


Get your Moodle calendar URL

First, you need to get the address for your calendar.

  1. Log into your Moodle dashboard, and scroll to the bottom of your calendar to locate the Import or export calendars link, and click it.
  2. Click the month name to open your calendar in its own window. At the bottom of that window, click Export calendar.
  3. On the next screen, click the Export calendar button. Then, on the Export calendar screen, set Events to export to All events, and Time period To Custom range, starting with today, and ending with the final day of the academic year or semester, as you prefer.

  4. Click Get calendar URL. The calendar URL will appear in its own box at the bottom of the window. Click Copy URL.

You can now paste the copied URL into any application that allows you to add external calendars. The subscribed calendar will be updated each time your Moodle calendar is updated (be aware that updates are not real-time, and can take a bit to replicate out). These instructions will show you how to subscribe in:

Subscribe in Outlook 365

Note that you must do this via Outlook on the web. Outlook Mobile does not have the ability to subscribe to calendars.

  1. Point your browser to When prompted, log in using your Davidson credentials.
  2. When the Microsoft 365 page appears, click the grid icon at the top left, and select Outlook (which will open in a new tab).
  3. In Outlook, locate and click the Calendar icon.
  4. On the Calendar page, click Add Calendar (just below the thumbnail month view).
  5. In the Add Calendar dialog, click Subscribe from Web.
  6. In the Subscribe from Web dialog, paste your copied calendar URL to bring up your options for adding it. Give your calendar a name you'll recognize, select an icon (or "charm") and color, and  sett Add to to "My Calendars". Click Save.
  7. Your calendar will appear under My Calendars, and your Moodle calendar data will populate.

Your subscribed calendar will appear anywhere you log into Outlook (desktop, mobile, etc).


Subscribe in the iOS Calendar app

On mobile, you'll first need to get the calendar URL to your device. The Open LMS app does not have a way to access it, and Moodle in a phone browser is inscrutably small. The simplest method is to just email the URL to yourself. Once you've done that:

  1. Open Calendar and tap Calendars at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap Add Calendar at the bottom left, then tap Add Subscription Calendar.
  3. Paste your URL into the Subscription URL field, and tap Subscribe.
  4. Give your calendar a name in the Title field.
  5. The Account tab will offer you two options. Choosing On My Phone will show the subscribed calendar only on this device. Choosing iCloud will replicate the subscription to any device signed into your Apple ID (desktop/laptop Mac, iPad, etc.).
  6. Choose a color, and whether you want alerts for events on this calendar, then tap Add.


Subscribe in Google Calendar

This assumes you have a non-Davidson Google account. Calendars subscribed in Google Calendar web will sync to other devices signed into your Google account (Android phones, Chromebooks, etc.).

  1. Point your browser to Google Calendar.
  2. Open the Settings menu and choose Settings.
  3. Click Add Calendar to expand that section of the left-hand column,, then choose From URL.
  4. Paste your calendar URL into the URL of calendar field, then click Add Calendar.
  5. Click the left arrow atop the Settings column twice to return to your Calendar.
  6. Back on the calendar page, notice that you now have a section titled Other Calendars, that includes a listing for the calendar you just added, named with its URL.
  7. Click the kebab menu to the right of the name, and from that menu, choose Settings.
  8. Back in the Settings window, give your calendar a name and set any notification preferences.





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