Warpwire to YuJa Transition

Yuja Enterprise Video Platform replaced Warpwire as Davidson’s media content management system and lecture capture solution at the conclusion of the Spring 2023 Semester.

Project Overview

T&I Academic Technology is pleased to announce the newest addition to our array of best-of-class software solutions: the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform.

Yuja EVP replaces Warpwire as Davidson’s media content management system and lecture capture solution. Yuja brings a flexible, easy-to-use suite of video editing tools, deep integrations with our Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) and Zoom conferencing system. The platform also includes unlimited storage and streaming capacity, and a strong company focus on the education market.

Data and existing recordings have automatically been transitioned from Warpwire to YuJa. 

Using YuJa

Access YuJa Enterprise Video Platform (Log in using your Davidson email address and password.)

You can also embed YuJa content directly in Moodle by selecting YuJa 1.3 from the Activity Chooser. Zoom users who register a YuJa account will automatically have their Zoom cloud recordings saved to their YuJa libraries.


Upcoming YuJa Training Sessions

Upcoming sessions are listed below. No registration is required, just use the Zoom link indicated for each session. In addition, YuJa offers a comprehensive set of video tutorials. Start with a quick two minute overview, and go from there.

Tuesday, August 15 at 11:00 am | Join via Zoom

Monday, August 21 at 2:00 pm | Join via Zoom


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to move my data?

No. All user data and recordings in the Warpwire system as of May 17, 2023 will be automatically moved to YuJa over a 6-8 week period. One thing you can do to help speed that process is to go through your stored videos in Warpwire and Zoom, and remove any that you no longer need. In addition, YuJa will begin to automatically store your Zoom recordings to the platform.

Can staff/departments use YuJa as well?

Absolutely! YuJa is licensed for use by all College employees.

Do I need to use Moodle in order to use YuJa?

No. While YuJa integrates well with Moodle, it also includes a standalone access portal, and you will be able to link to YuJa videos from anywhere. Login instructions will be provided later this semester.


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