Faculty Instructions for Using Respondus LockDown Browser

Enabling Respondus LockDown Browser

Instructions for enabling the Respondus LockDown Browser for a Moodle quiz. The LockDown Browser can only be used in combination with the Moodle Quiz activity.

  • It is imperative that you test Respondus LockDown Browser with your students a week before the first exam. You should create your own practice quiz or ask your students to self-enroll in the Respondus LockDown Browser Prep course and complete the prep quiz on the computer that they intend to use for the exam. T&I can also bulk-enroll your course(s) in the prep course: Email ti@davidson.edu with the name(s) of the course(s) to enroll.
  • It is possible to allow access to specific web pages within the LockDown browser like online textbooks or class notes saved in cloud storage like Google Drive. Multiple exceptions may need to be made, especially if students will need to authenticate to a Davidson system. Email ti@davidson.edu if you would like to use this feature.
  • If your students need to access a program on their computer for their exam, you cannot use Respondus LockDown Browser. Only web pages or web-based applications can be allowed as exceptions.
  • If you encounter issues while using LockDown Browser, you can visit our troubleshooting guide to see the most common fixes. All requests for support should be directed to ti@davidson.edu
  • As a point of clarification, faculty do not need to download Respondus to set it up on Moodle. A checkbox exists on the Moodle site that enables the requirement for students to use Respondus during their assessment. 

Using Respondus LockDown Browser

Student-Owned Machines

Student instructions for taking a Respondus LockDown Browser quiz on their own computer

  • They can use a Mac or a PC.
  • iPads can be used, but a default setting in Respondus LockDown Browser must be changed to allow iPads. See the Advanced Settings section of the instructions for enabling LockDown Browser.
  • Have students download and install the software, and then run a practice quiz before the actual assessment. If they encounter errors, they should email the User Success team at ti@davidson.edu with the subject line of LockDown Browser. They can also bring their laptops to the T&I Main building (next to the Campus Store on Main Street) for help with the installation.

College-Owned Machines

Student instructions for taking a Respondus LockDown Browser quiz on a Davidson computer

  • New! As of October 26, all computer labs on campus should have Respondus LockDown Browser installed. Students may use a Mac or Windows computer lab to complete an exam requiring LockDown  Browser.
  • Important note for timed exams: Logging into a lab computer for the first time can take a minute or so. If you have a timed exam, have students log into the computer before the official start time of the exam.
  • Kiosk laptops available for checkout already have the LockDown Browser installed. Students do not need (and are not able) to download the software again.
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