Troubleshooting NCShare Class Containers (Students)

Containers are a new option for giving students access to the software they need for classes. First, an image is built containing all needed software. Each student then opens a container environment based on that image. Class containers are identical, spawned from the same image file. This means that problems affecting more than one person tend to affect everyone in a class at the same time – before contacting T&I, ask around and see if others are seeing the same issue. Below are a few steps to help narrow down issues before reporting the problem to T&I. 


  1. Can you access the site properly? If you can’t load or log into Container Manager, please contact T&I
  2. Are you using the correct container? In addition to the containers designated for particular classes, NCShare maintains several generic containers used for demonstrations of single applications. You should only use the container named for your course, as it’s the only one guaranteed to work with your class materials. Note: If you accidentally did work in a generic container, make sure to copy that work out of the container and into the correct one.
  3. Is the problem affecting more than one person?  If so, please inform your instructor, then contact T&I.
  4. Does the problem go away when the container is restarted? Log into Container Manager and select the problem container from the My Reservations list, then under Container Controls click Request Restart. This will restart your container, closing any open files and stopping any running processes. Note: This is not the same as restarting your Web browser or your computer – neither of these will have any effect on your container.
  5. Does the failure still occur in a different instance of the container? Copy the data to a classmate’s container and run it. If it still breaks, this points to a problem with the material. Talk to your instructor.
  6. If you use a fresh copy of the material, does the failure still occur? If so, this points to a problem with the container. Contact T&I.
  7. Does the failure result in any error message? If you get reproducible error messages, please include them in your email to the help desk.
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