Validate your SSAFER Notification - Information Parents and Guardians

The SSAFER program alerts members of the Davidson community to emergencies and provides safety instructions via text messages, emails, voice messages, and live-spoken instructions.
These instructions on validation are for parents or other Davidson community members who do not have a email address. Davidson students, Faculty, and Staff at the college are automatically enrolled and validated as part of our onboarding processes. 

SSAFER, Davidson’s emergency notification & criminal alert program, uses a layered notification approach to alert students, faculty, staff, parents and other members of the Davidson community to emergencies and provides safety instructions via text messages, emails, voice messages, and live-spoken instructions.

Members of the Davidson College community beyond students, faculty, and staff (Such as parents or guardians) can choose to opt-in to SSAFER notifications.

To Opt in, you will need to first enroll your phone or email, and then validate the enrollment. 


Verifying Your Existing Registration

Enroll a New Text Number or Email

Verifying Your Existing Registration

The system that the SSAFER notification system uses to send automated texts, emails and voice messages is called Omnilert. Omnilert will send your registered email address or phone number a verification request. If you wish to receive SSAFER notifications through this communications channel, please respond to the automated notices to validate your account. A sample of the email and text validation messages are below.

Note: If you previously enrolled in the SSAFER system through Banner, you will need to reconfirm your consent to receive notifications through the current Omnilert system. 


Email Validation Sample


Text Validation Sample



Enroll a New Text Number or Email

Parents or guardians who are not yet enrolled in SSAFER, and wish to enroll a phone number to receive text messages from the SSAFER message system, can text DAVIDSONCOMMUNITY to 79516 to enroll.

To enroll a new email address, please email with your email address and your request to enroll your email as a parent or guardian. Automated email enrollment is not available at this time. After Davidson staff enroll your email address into the system, you will need to respond back to the validation email request to complete enrollment. 


New Text Enrollment Sample


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