Note: While it is possible to link or embed videos from Vimeo or YouTube, we highly recommend using our in-house tool, YuJa EVP. Learn more about Yuja EVP here.
- From the source video, copy the embed code.
- Launch Moodle ( and open your course.
- In the upper right corner of the screen, use the toggle to turn Edit mode on.
- In the section of your course where you would like to add the video link, click on the Add an activity or resource link.
- In the Activity Chooser, click Page.
- In the Name field, type a name for the video link. This is what the students will see on your Moodle page.
- Scroll down to the Page content field and type TEMP
- Click on the first icon in the Page content toolbar. This expands the toolbar, showing all options.
- Once the toolbar has been expanded, click on the HTML toggle icon which is the last icon in the second row. This icon toggles between regular text and HTML text. You should now see the text you entered earlier, bracketed by <p>TEMP</p>. Highlight all of the existing HTML code and then paste in the Vimeo embed code. In other words, replace the existing HTML with the embed code.
- Scroll down and click on the Save and return to course button.