Install Read&Write Gold on your personal computer - Students

Read&Write Gold software reads electronic text from sources such as e-books, websites and documents. The program includes voice dictation that also reads aloud what students write and helps them identify errors.

To install Read&Write Gold, you must be a Davidson College student. The license is renewed annually and is provided on an individual basis.


  1. Open a browser and navigate to
  2. Click on the Try Now > button.
  3. Under the Get your free 30 day trial > button, click on the icon representing the type of installation in which you are interested. In this case, click on the Windows icon Gold_Windows_icon.JPG.
  4. Click on the Try Now > button that appears just below the Windows icon.
  5. On the Please Select a Product drop-down list box, select Read & Write for Windows - US menu option.
  6. The installation file will now download to your computer, probably into the Downloads folder. To install the software, follow the steps below:
    • Begin by closing all current applications on your computer.
    • To launch the installation process, double-click on the downloaded installation file. As of September 2018, the name of the Windows installation file is read%26write.exe
    • On the User Account Control dialog box, click on the Yes button.
    • On the Hi, almost ready to install dialog box, click on the Accept and Install button.
    • After making sure all your work has been saved, click on the Yes button to restart your computer.
  7. Once Read&Write has been installed, double-click on the desktop icon to launch the application.
  8. On the Sign in dialog box, click on the Sign in with Microsoft button.
  9. On the Microsoft Sign in dialog box, enter your Davidson email address and click on the Next button.
  10. Click on the Work or school account button.
  11. Type in your Davidson network password and then click on the Sign in button.
  12. Click on the Get Started button.


  1. Open a browser and navigate to
  2. Click on the Try Now > button.
  3. Under the Get your free 30 day trial > button, click on the icon representing the type of installation in which you are interested. In this case, click on the Mac OS icon .
  4. Click on the Try Now > button that appears just below the Windows icon.
  5. The installation file is now downloaded to your computer, typically into the Downloads folder.
  6. When the download is complete, double-click on the installation file to launch the process. As of September 2018, the file is named read&write.dmg
  7. Work through the installation, following the instructions on your computer. Authenticate when prompted.
  8. When installation is complete, double-click on the Read& from the Applications folder to launch the application.
  9. Click on the Open button to verify it is OK to open the Read&Write app.
  10. On the Read&Write requires Assistive Devices... dialog box, click on the Security & Privacy button.
  11. On the Security & Privacy dialog box:
    • Click the lock icon and enter your password when prompted.
    • Click on the check box to the left of the Read&Write icon.
    • Close the Security & Privacy dialog box.
  12. Back on the Read&Write requires Assistive Devices... dialog box, click on the Continue button.
  13. On the User Terms dialog box, click on the I accept the User Terms radio button and then click on the OK button.
  14. On the Sign in dialog box, click on the Sign in with Microsoft button.
  15. On the Microsoft Sign in dialog box, enter your Davidson email address and click on the Next button.
  16. Click on the Work or school account button.
  17. Type in your Davidson network password and then click on the Sign in button.
  18. On the Microsoft Permissions requested dialog box, click on the Accept button.
  19. Finally! Read&Write will now open.


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