Read&Write Gold software reads electronic text from sources such as e-books, websites and documents. The program includes voice dictation that also reads aloud what students write and helps them identify errors.To install Read&Write Gold, you must be a Davidson College student. The license is renewed annually and is provided on an individual basis.
- Open a browser and navigate to
- Click on the Try Now > button.
- Under the Get your free 30 day trial > button, click on the icon representing the type of installation in which you are interested. In this case, click on the Windows icon .
- Click on the Try Now > button that appears just below the Windows icon.
- On the Please Select a Product drop-down list box, select Read & Write for Windows - US menu option.
- The installation file will now download to your computer, probably into the Downloads folder. To install the software, follow the steps below:
- Begin by closing all current applications on your computer.
- To launch the installation process, double-click on the downloaded installation file. As of September 2018, the name of the Windows installation file is read%26write.exe
- On the User Account Control dialog box, click on the Yes button.
- On the Hi, almost ready to install dialog box, click on the Accept and Install button.
- After making sure all your work has been saved, click on the Yes button to restart your computer.
- Once Read&Write has been installed, double-click on the desktop icon to launch the application.
- On the Sign in dialog box, click on the Sign in with Microsoft button.
- On the Microsoft Sign in dialog box, enter your Davidson email address and click on the Next button.
- Click on the Work or school account button.
- Type in your Davidson network password and then click on the Sign in button.
- Click on the Get Started button.
- Open a browser and navigate to
- Click on the Try Now > button.
- Under the Get your free 30 day trial > button, click on the icon representing the type of installation in which you are interested. In this case, click on the Mac OS icon .
- Click on the Try Now > button that appears just below the Windows icon.
- The installation file is now downloaded to your computer, typically into the Downloads folder.
- When the download is complete, double-click on the installation file to launch the process. As of September 2018, the file is named read&write.dmg
- Work through the installation, following the instructions on your computer. Authenticate when prompted.
- When installation is complete, double-click on the Read& from the Applications folder to launch the application.
- Click on the Open button to verify it is OK to open the Read&Write app.
- On the Read&Write requires Assistive Devices... dialog box, click on the Security & Privacy button.
- On the Security & Privacy dialog box:
- Click the lock icon and enter your password when prompted.
- Click on the check box to the left of the Read&Write icon.
- Close the Security & Privacy dialog box.
- Back on the Read&Write requires Assistive Devices... dialog box, click on the Continue button.
- On the User Terms dialog box, click on the I accept the User Terms radio button and then click on the OK button.
- On the Sign in dialog box, click on the Sign in with Microsoft button.
- On the Microsoft Sign in dialog box, enter your Davidson email address and click on the Next button.
- Click on the Work or school account button.
- Type in your Davidson network password and then click on the Sign in button.
- On the Microsoft Permissions requested dialog box, click on the Accept button.
- Finally! Read&Write will now open.