Time zone troubles on your Mac computer
Faculty report that it is common for students to miss Outlook calendar appointments early in the semester because the system time zone is incorrect. This is due to the fact that Microsoft Office/Outlook will automatically choose your time zone depending on where you are in the world when you install the software.
When you get to campus, here are the steps to change the selected time zone:
- Click on the Apple icon in the upper left corner of your screen.
- On the resulting drop-down menu, select System Preferences...
- Click on the Date & Time icon in the fourth row of icons.
- Click on the Time Zone tab at the top.
- At this point, you can change the selected time zone to Eastern Standard Time.
Note: You might need to click on the lock icon in the lower left corner of the System Preferences dialog box to make any changes.
Here is how you can change the time zone in your Office 365 account.
Also good to know...
- Microsoft Office can be installed whether you are on campus or off.
Time zone troubles on your Windows computer
Faculty report that it is common for students to miss Outlook calendar appointments early in the semester because the system time zone is incorrect. This is due to the fact that Microsoft Office/Outlook will automatically choose your time zone depending on where you are in the world when you install the software.
When you get to campus, here are the steps to change the selected time zone in Windows 10:
- Click on the Windows Start icon in the lower left corner.
- Type date & time
- In the search results, select Date & time settings
- On the Date & time dialog box, click on the Time zone drop-down list box and select
(UTC-05:00 Eastern Time (US & Canada) - Close all dialog boxes.
Here is how you can change the time zone in your Office 365 account.
Also good to know...
- Microsoft Office can be installed whether you are on campus or off.