How-To: Grade Quizzes Anonymously in Moodle 4

To grade a Moodle quiz anonymously, you must create a role that uses anonymous grading, then assign yourself to that role.

NB: This process looks really long and intimidating, but it's actually easy, and there are only 6 steps (just a bunch of very wordy screenshots makes it look longer).

  1. Open your course site, then open the quiz activity.
  2. From the More drop-down menu, select Permissions.

  3. Scroll to the section named Quiz report: Manual grading. It contains 2 items, See student identity fields while grading, and See student names while grading. For each, click the trash can next to Teacher (Non-Editing) to remove that role from the list (confirming each removal as requested). When you're finished, things should look like the image below.

  4. Return to the More menu, this time selecting Locally assigned roles.
  5. From the Please choose a role to assign list, click on Teacher (Non-Editing). In the Assign role window, choose your own name from a list of Potential users, then click Add.
  6. Grade your quiz using the manual grading options.
    Click on the Results tab of the quiz and click Grades to open the drop-down menu. Choose either Manual grading to grade question-by-question or Manual grading by student to grade student-by-student. 
    Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 10.04.21 AM.png
  7. When you are finished grading, or are otherwise ready to see student names, return to the Locally assigned roles window, and repeat steps 4 and 5, this time selecting your own name from Existing users, and clicking Remove.
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