Leaving Davidson for Retiring Faculty

This article will step you through the process of transitioning college data and any personal data you would like to retain to a personal account, prior to your retirement. We will work with you to ensure a smooth transition and remain committed to supporting you on this journey.
Retired faculty will continue to have access to their Davidson College email.  

Technology Steps to Take Before You Retire

  • Transition College Data
    • Discuss with your department chair any college data that may need to move into the department's Google Drive folder.
    • Transfer ownership of college data that your department may need to retain to a designated faculty member (i.e. Qualtrics surveys, Google Drive, OneDrive data). 
    • Work with a T&I staff member to make sure Confidential and Restricted level data (such as Social Security Numbers, passport numbers, employee/personnel records, FERPA-protected student records) are no longer accessible, such as in one’s email account or in their personal digital files.
    • Any technology products or services (such as websites, apps or other services) developed or maintained by retiring faculty should be transitioned to another responsible faculty member or department.

  • Transfer Personal Data
  • Outlook Auto Reply
    Create an auto-reply detailing your retirement status, last day of employment, personal email address, and any other pertinent information you would like to share.
  • Sign up for ADP Access
    ADP is the service that provides tax documents for employees after they leave Davidson. In order to access these documents, you will need to register for an account with ADP. You'll receive an email at your Davidson email address and your primary personal email address on file with instructions and a code specifically for departing Davidson employees. 

    Follow the instructions from ADP, including providing the Davidson code, your name, social security or EIN number and date of birth to link your account to the information Davidson has provided ADP. Then, enter your current contact information and continue the registration to gain access to your tax documents.

    Register for ADP Account
  • College-owned assets
    • Return all Davidson College-owned assets assigned to you, including but not limited to computers (desktop and/or laptop), tablets, and other technology-related devices to Technology & Innovation. 
    • If you will be retiring with emeritus or emerita status, review the computer and technology options available to you.
    • A limited number of carrels are available for faculty use, assigned based on need and availability. A request can be made to Denise Sherrill desherrill@davidson.edu.

More information about leaving Davidson is available in section 17 of Davidson's Technology Terms of Service.

If you have questions about this process or need assistance please contact us at ti@davidson.edu or call 704-894-2900. 

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