In an effort to help with social distancing and remote work during the pandemic, the following protocols have been implemented for Classroom Support and response for the Spring 2021 semester. T&I worked closely with Academic Affairs and the Registrar's office to establish these guidelines for support during the pandemic before the start of the Fall 2020 semester. Protocols will be evaluated continuously and are subject to change.
Getting Support
T&I asks that if you are experiencing an issue with the classroom technology to please call us at 704-894-2900 to get support over the phone. We will make every effort to walk you through troubleshooting and solving your problem remotely. We may also be able to suggest alternative workarounds that you can implement for your class.
In the event the problem can not be resolved over the phone, T&I can suggest alternative rooms that are available for use through EMS, as classroom availability has increased due to the staggering of classes. T&I will also make note of the issue and get professional staff to check onsite the next time someone is on campus. T&I will reach back out with any findings/resolutions we discover.
If you experience an issue in a classroom and simply moved your class to a different room, we ask that you send us an email ( outlining the building/room you were originally in and the issues you encountered, so that we can check on the room once professional staff is onsite.
Pressing the "Help" button in the classroom will still notify T&I of a possible issue; however, due to limited staff presence on campus, this support model is currently not the best methodology for getting timely support.