One of the ways that Davidson protects our email system and individual mailboxes from malicious software is by blocking attachments that are commonly used to transmit viruses or malicious software.
Below are some of the common questions regarding blocked attachments within the Davidson email system:
What file types will be blocked?
Executable files including, .ace, .ani, .app, .docm, .exe, .jar, .reg, .scr, .vbe, and .vbs will be blocked. For a full list, please visit section on blocked file types.
How do I know an attachment has been blocked?
The Davidson user that is sending or receiving a blocked attachment receives an email notification that an attachment has been blocked.
What do I do if an attachment is being blocked?
In cases where a file is being blocked, we recommend that you leverage Google Drive to share these file types. Google Drive allows users to easily share files with both users within and outside the Davidson community.
For help with sharing, please visit our KB article on Google Drive sharing.
Can you send a blocked file by replacing the file extension with an unblocked file extension?
No, the scanning software can detect the blocked filetypes, even when the file is renamed.
Blocked only if they contain blocked file types (see below)
Extension |
Description |
.7z |
Archive File (7-Zip) |
.ace |
Archive File (WinAce) |
.arc |
Archive File (Several) |
.gzip |
Archive File (Gnu Zip) |
.rar |
Archive File (Roshal Archive, WinRAR and others) |
.sit |
Archive File (Stuffit) |
.tar |
Archive File (Unix Archive) |
.tgz |
Archive File (Unix Archive) |
.zip |
Archive File (ZIP) |
Blocked File Types
Extension |
Description |
.ade |
Access Project Extension (Microsoft) |
.adp |
Access Project (Microsoft) |
.ani |
Microsoft Animated Mouse Cursors |
.app |
Executable Application |
.asp |
Active Server Page |
.bas |
BASIC Source Code |
.bat |
Batch Processing |
.cer |
Security file provided by a third party Certificate Authority |
.chm |
Compiled HTML Help |
.cmd |
DOS CP/M Command File, Command File for Windows NT |
.com |
Executable File |
.cpl |
Windows Control Panel Extension (Microsoft) |
.crt |
Security Certificate |
.csh |
csh Script |
.da |
.der |
Digital certificate file |
.dll |
Dynamic Link Library |
.docm |
Microsoft Word Open XML Macro-Enabled Document |
.dos |
.exe |
Executable File |
.fxp |
FoxPro Compiled Source (Microsoft) |
.gadget |
Windows Vista gadget |
.hlp |
Windows Help File |
.hta |
Hypertext Application |
.inf |
Information or Setup File |
.isp |
IIS Internet Service Provider Settings (Microsoft) |
.its |
Internet Document Set, Internet Translation |
.jar |
Java Archive |
.js |
JavaScript Source Code |
.jse |
JScript Encoded Script File |
.ksh |
UNIX Shell Script |
.lnk |
Windows Shortcut File |
.mad |
Access Module Shortcut (Microsoft) |
.maf |
Access (Microsoft) |
.mag |
Access Diagram Shortcut (Microsoft) |
.mam |
Access Macro Shortcut (Microsoft) |
.maq |
Access Query Shortcut (Microsoft) |
.mar |
Access Report Shortcut (Microsoft) |
.mas |
Access Stored Procedures (Microsoft) |
.mat |
Access Table Shortcut (Microsoft) |
.mau |
Media Attachment Unit |
.mav |
Access View Shortcut (Microsoft) |
.maw |
Access Data Access Page (Microsoft) |
.mdb |
Access Application (Microsoft), MDB Access Database (Microsoft) |
.mde |
Access MDE Database File (Microsoft) |
.mdt |
Access Add-in Data (Microsoft) |
.mdw |
Access Workgroup Information (Microsoft) |
.mdz |
Access Wizard Template (Microsoft) |
.msc |
Microsoft Management Console Snap-in Control File (Microsoft) |
.msh |
Microsoft Shell |
.msh1 |
Microsoft Shell |
.msh1xml |
Microsoft Shell |
.msh2 |
Microsoft Shell |
.msh2xml |
Microsoft Shell |
.msi |
Windows Installer File (Microsoft) |
.msp |
Windows Installer Update |
.obj |
Wavefront 3D Object File |
.ops |
Office Profile Settings File |
.os2 |
.pcd |
Visual Test (Microsoft) |
.pif |
Windows Program Information File (Microsoft) |
.plg |
Developer Studio Build Log |
.prf |
Windows System File |
.prg |
Program File |
.ps1 |
Windows PowerShell |
.ps1xml |
Windows PowerShell Display Configuration File |
.ps2 |
Windows PowerShell |
.ps2xml |
Windows PowerShell Display Configuration File |
.psc1 |
Windows PowerShell |
.psc2 |
Windows PowerShell |
.pst |
MS Exchange Address Book File, Outlook Personal Folder File |
.reg |
Registration Information/Key for W95/98, Registry Data File |
.scf |
Windows Explorer Command |
.scr |
Windows Screen Saver |
.sct |
Windows Script Component, Foxpro Screen (Microsoft) |
.shb |
Windows Shortcut into a Document |
.shs |
Shell Scrap Object File |
.tmp |
Temporary File/Folder |
.url |
Internet Location |
.vb |
VBScript File or Any Visual Basic Source |
.vbe |
VBScript Encoded Script File |
.vbs |
VBScript Script File, Visual Basic for Applications Script |
.vsmacros |
Visual Studio .NET Binary-based Macro Project (Microsoft) |
.vsw |
Visio Workspace File (Microsoft) |
.vxd |
Virtual Device Driver |
.w16 |
.ws |
Windows Script File |
.wsc |
Windows Script Component |
.wsf |
Windows Script File |
.wsh |
Windows Script Host Settings File |
.xnk |
Exchange Public Folder Shortcut |