When configuring a new Davidson Domains subdomain or add-on domain, users may encounter privacy or security errors when attempting to browse the domain (particularly for subdomains of davidson.edu).
Privacy/security error as shown in Safari (top) and Google Chrome.
This indicates the need to install a security certificate. All domains include access to Let's Encrypt SSL for this purpose. Use the following procedure:
- Log into your Davidson Domains dashboard as usual. (Link opens in a new window.)
- Under the Security tab, click Let's Encrypt SSL.
- On the Let's Encrypt SSL screen, locate the name of the subdomain or add-on domain you need to secure, then click the + Issue link to the far right of its name.
- On the next screen, a checklist will appear. Uncheck all the items marked with blue checkmarks, leaving only the one marked with a black checkmark (which cannot be unchecked). Do not change the setting for SSL validation method. Click Issue.
- Issuing the certificate may take a moment or two. When the process is complete, you will see a confirmation dialog similar to the one below.
The SSL certificate installation is complete. You should now clear your browser cache and test loading your domain site to verify that you're no longer receiving a security or privacy error.
Note: Like all security certificates, those issued by Let's Encrypt have a defined period of validity, and a set expiration date. However, you do not need to worry about renewing the certificates. Encryption certificates issued by Let's Encrypt automatically renew on their expiry date.