Poster Design and Preparation
Poster Templates
You will be prompted to make a copy of the template.
- Digital poster template (Google Slide)
- Printed poster templates (Google Slides)
- Landscape poster template (48x36 inches)
- Portrait poster template (36x48 inches)
Do you have any advice for designing a poster?
- The top of the board should consist of an easy-to-read title that includes the author(s) name(s) and program affiliation(s).
- The component parts should be organized in a way that visually leads the viewer through the display.
- Leave some open space in the design.
- Use elements of different size and proportions.
- Convert tables to graphic display, if possible.
- A large and/or bright center of interest can draw the eye to the most important aspect of the poster.
- Use color to add emphasis and clarity.
- Enlarge photos to show pertinent details clearly.
- Displayed materials should be self-explanatory, freeing you for discussion of your work.
- Limit the amount of text you present. Lengthy paragraphs describing procedural details, results or conclusions should be avoided.
- Use an outline or bullet format.
- Avoid disciplinary and technical jargon whenever possible.
Adapted from University of Cincinnati's web site
What if I need help designing my poster?
Drop by the Research and Design Studio behind the Fishbowl in the EH Little Library from 8 to 11 pm on Sunday through Thursday for help from the Media Consultants. (This service is only available during the academic year.)
Do I need to use the provided poster templates?
No, but your poster must be 36x48 inches or 48x36 inches.
What about paper size?
Your poster must be 36x48 inches or 48x36 inches.
How do I save my file as a PDF?
In Google Slides: File >> Download >> PDF Document (PDF).
In Microsoft PowerPoint: File >> Save As >> PDF.
What is the maximum upload file size allowed?
15mb. That is more than enough space for an extra-large, high-res poster.
Poster Printing
How do I print a poster?
Send an email to with "Poster" in the subject line and attach your poster. The Central Services Copy & Print Center will print your poster and notify you via email when it's available for pickup.
For Verna Miller Case Symposium, upload your poster through the VMC Symposium website.
For Fall Research Symposium, you will receive an email from the Office of Sponsored Programs coordinator with the link to register and upload poster.
Can I change or cancel my order?
Maybe. Please review your poster carefully for typos and other errors before uploading to the print portal. If something critical needs to be changed, contact Central Services Copy & Print Center, they will let you know if it’s still possible to make changes.
What if I made a mistake on my poster and need to reprint it?
You may contact the Copy & Print Center to reprint it but you will need to pay for it yourself.
What if the system tells me my PDF is too big?
No worries! It looks like you will need to reduce the file size. In Adobe Acrobat, open your file and then click file “Save as Other” “Reduce Size PDF”. If you have the Powerpoint file, follow these steps before you export to PDF. If you made your poster in Illustrator, check out this video tutorial. If you get stuck, please email T&I.
What if I’m a professor and I need students to print posters for a class?
We have a temporary process in place right now due to system issues. Just pass these instructions on to your students:
Send an email to with "Poster" as the subject line and attach your poster. The Central Services Copy & Print Center will print your poster and notify you via email when it's available for pickup.
Where should I pick up my poster?
You will receive an e-mail notifying you when your poster is ready to pick-up at Central Services (they share a space with the post office in the Union).
Poster Pick-up
How do I print a poster?
Send an email to with "Poster"as the subject line and attach your poster. The Central Services Copy & Print Center will print your poster and notify you via email when it's available for pickup.
How long will it take to print my poster?
3 - 5 business days.
What if I need a rush order?
Include the date needed in your email to the Copy & Print Center, they will let you know if they can meet that deadline.
What if I want to print a poster for myself?
Send an email to with "Poster" as the subject line and attach your poster. The Central Services Copy & Print Center will print your poster and notify you via email when it's available for pickup.