Windows 7 and Research Computers

Due to security concerns represented by the Windows 7 operating system, T&I will fund extending Microsoft support through 2022 for research computers. T&I will also fund replacing Windows 7 research computers when the following criteria are met:

  • The computer can not be upgraded to Windows 10 and
  • The computer must be connected to the Davidson College network and
  • The work performed by the computer cannot be performed by the Ada Lovelace Research Computing Cluster

In the coming year, T&I will work with researchers to develop a risk mitigation plan for your research computers and ensure that that plan is executed by the end of 2022.  Effective 12/31/2022, all research computers still running Windows 7 will be disconnected from the Davidson College network.

If you'd like to discuss options for your Windows 7 device, please contact

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