Forwarding Calls on Polycom VVX Series Phones

Forwarding Calls on Polycom VVX series phones

You can redirect incoming calls by forwarding an incoming call to a contact, forwarding all incoming calls to a contact, or diverting calls from a specific contact to another contact.


Forwarding Incoming Calls to a Contact

To forward incoming calls to a contact, the steps are:

  1. In the Incoming Call screen, select Forward
  2. From the Call Forwarding screen, enter the forwarding number, and select Forward


Forwarding All Incoming Calls to a Contact

You can set up your phone to forward all incoming calls to a contact using one of the following forwarding types:

  • Always – Forwards all incoming calls
  • No Answer – Forwards all unanswered incoming calls
  • Busy – Forwards incoming calls when you are already on a call

For shared lines, you can only choose Always as you forwarding type.

The steps to forward all incoming calls are:

  1. Select Forward or navigate to Settings > Features > Forward.
  2. If your phone has multiple lines, select the line you wish forwarded.
  3. On the Forwarding Type Select screen, select the forwarding type.
  4. Enter a contact’s number and select
  5. If you selected No Answer as the forwarding type, enter the number of rings before the call is forwarded.

Disable Call Forwarding

To disable call forwarding, the steps are:

  1. Select Forward
  2. If your phone has multiple lines, select the line that has been forwarded
  3. From the Forwarding Type select screen, select your forwarding type, and select


Divert Calls to a Contact

To divert all incoming calls from a particular contact to another contact, follow these steps:

  1. Select Directories > Contact Directory.
  2. From the Contact Directory, select a contact.
  3. From the Contact Information screen, select
  4. From the Edit Contact screen, select Divert Contact, and enter a contact’s number.
  5. Select Auto Divert > Enable.
  6. Select


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