Davidson T&I maintains a series of cybersecurity protections for the Davidson environment. Effective February 2022, Davidson devices will utilize the Crowdstrike Falcon system.
Crowdstrike Falcon Implementation - Spring 2022
Starting in February 2022, and continuing throughout the spring semester, Davidson machines will begin installing and using Crowdstrike Falcon. This industry-leading system is designed to better protect the Davidson network from ransomware, data breaches, and cyber attacks.
- You do not need to do anything to begin this process. Your computer will prompt you to restart your machine to finalize installation when the update is available.
- Your computer will allow for a period of serveral days to update and restart on your own schedule. If not started by the time period noted on the prompt, your computer will automatically restart to complete this process.
- As part of this update process, Malwarebyes and Sophos will be removed from your machines.
- The Sophos icon in your menu bar (Mac) or taskbar (PC) will be removed. There is no icon for Crowdstrike Falcon, however, your computer is still protected.
If you have any questions about the update process please email ti@davidson.edu.