Emergency Notification System (SSAFER), also referred to as Omnilert, is the campus emergency notification system. It uses a layered notification approach to alert students, parents, faculty, and staff to emergencies and provide safety instructions via text messages, emails, voice messages, and live spoken instructions.
The system enables the college to quickly inform faculty, staff, and students of an emergency. With so many ways to get the word out, the information will reach you whether or not you are on campus.
✓ Faculty, staff, and students are automatically enrolled in SSAFER alerts. Parents or guardians who wish to enroll their own contact information in the SSAFER message system can text DAVIDSONCOMMUNITY to 79516.
✓ Quickly informing students, parents, faculty, and staff of emergency situations
→ If you would like to remove any of your contact information from the SSAFER alerts please visit the SSAFER Subscriber Portal or email
SSAFER access is provided for users at no cost.