All classrooms are equipped with the following audiovisual technology to support teaching and learning: a projector or flat screen display, an instructor monitor at a lectern, a classroom computer, a laptop connection cable, a document camera, a CD/BluRay player, and a room control panel for switching sources and powering up the system.
✓ All Davidson users (faculty, staff, and students)
✓ Emeriti faculty
✓ Other authorized users
✓ Conducting computer-based presentations
✓ Showing documents and other materials using the document camera
✓ Displaying web-based audiovisual content
✓ Playing DVDs or BluRay discs
→ Classroom control panels have a “help” button that sends an automated email to support staff indicating the building, room, and time of the help request. Support staff immediately deploy to the classroom to provide assistance.
→ For questions about classroom technology or demonstrations of specific classroom technologies, please contact
✓ Projector or flat screen display
✓ Instructor monitor and computer
✓ Laptop connection
✓ Document camera
✓ DVD player
✓ Control panel
Classroom technology is free to use for all Davidson faculty, staff, students and other authorized users.