Banner Self-Service was upgraded to version 9 on Monday, April 8, 2024. With this update comes a fresh new look and feel for the platform, as well as changes in navigation and the addition of new reports.
Banner Self-Service 9 offers a new look and feel, built-in class rosters, adviser rosters, and conditional Add/Drop for students, as well as improved functionality on mobile devices. The features and functionality of Banner Self-Service 8 remain in the new version. For the best user experience with Banner Self-Service, we recommend using the Chrome browser. If you use Safari, be sure to update to the latest version.
Information for Students
Banner SS9 Overview for Students
Information for Faculty
Banner SS9 Overview for Faculty
Class Rosters in Banner SS9
Grade Entry in Banner SS9
Information for Advisors
BSS9 Overview for Advisors
Advisor Rosters in Banner SS9