Davidson uses the custom built, in-house application WebTree for student Course Registration.
The Registrar’s office sets the open/close dates for registration. Students enter their preferred courses. When registration closes, batch programs are run that grant courses based on student class and random numbers. The selections are then populated in Banner. During the Add/Drop periods, students may log into Banner Self-Service to modify their courses.
WebTree was designed by students to be equitable. Starting with seniors, each student receives one course, then the course assignments start over again until all courses have been processed.
For the fall semester, continuing students enter their preferences in early April, new students enter their preferences in June, and registration takes place in early July. For the spring semester, students enter their preferences in October/November and registration takes place immediately following.
Once schedules have been created, students will often need to make adjustments. This is the second step, referred to as Add/Drop. There are several Add/Drop periods depending on the time of year. Prior to the start of fall classes, returning students will have a week in early August to make changes as well as the two days prior to the start of classes. New students will be able to make changes during the first full day of orientation, ideally after speaking with their holistic adviser. For spring classes, there will be a one week Add/Drop period in November as well as another in early January through the beginning of classes.
Once classes start, all students may add and drop classes during the first week. A third component in the process is our late Add/Drop period that extends into the second week of classes. However, adding classes during this week is discouraged because one week of course content has already been missed.
Access Links:
Student Login:
Banner Self-Service: Access Banner Self Service
✓ Registrar staff for setup on web pages
✓ Students for course selections
✓ Course selection by students
✓ Granting classes fairly to students
✓ Add/Drop classes
→ For technical help with Banner Self-Service, refer to the Knowledge Base links below.
Data in Banner may be classified as 1-Confidential and 2-Official Use Only and is subject to usage outlined in the Administrative Data Security Policy.
Banner access is provided for Davidson College departments and users with no additional fee.
Signing Into Banner Self-Service (BannerWeb)