Davidson One

Davidson One is a web and mobile application designed for the Davidson community.
With Davidson One, users can easily access resources across Davidson in one spot. Davidson One supports customized versions for students, employees, and guests of Davidson.

Get Davidson One

Easily access resources across Davidson in one spot. Davidson One is designed as a hub to link to the information you use the most on campus. 

Davidson One for iOS

Davidson One for Android

Davidson One in a Browser

Using Davidson One

Davidson One is currently available for students, employees, and guests. In order to see custom information, students and employees students must log in to Davidson One with their Davidson email and password to gain access. For many connected features, an additional initial login to individual services (Moodle, email, Banner, etc.) is required.

The Davidson One mobile app will save user credentials for these services for a limited period, and allow one-click access to these services when a user is logged into the Davidson One app. 

Davidson One for Students Features

Davidson One for Employees Features


Help us Improve Davidson One

Help us improve Davidson One by suggesting a feature or letting us know of a bug. Send feedback through Settings in the menu tray, the form linked from the header, or email ti@davidson.edu.

Request a Student Feature
Request an Employee Feature


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