Zoom Phone replaced Cisco as Davidson's telephone provider on June 30, 2022. On this date, all Davidson faculty and staff with college phone numbers began using Zoom Phone to make and receive phone calls. For more information, see the Getting Started with Zoom Phone Guide.
One of the most useful features of Zoom Phone is the ability to automatically silence incoming calls while in a meeting. To do this please follow the instructions below:
- Open the Zoom Desktop App
- Click the settings icon in the top right corner underneath your profile picture. (On Windows computers you may have to click your profile picture first, then settings.)
- Once inside the settings dialog box, under the General, tick the box beside Integrate Zoom with Outlook
4. Next click on Phone on the left side and tick the box beside Hide incoming calls while in a Zoom meeting
You can test this by having someone dial your Davidson phone number while you're in a meeting to ensure that it functions as expected.
If you have any issues setting this up, please email us at ti@davidson.edu.