Basic Etrieve Central Use
The Softdocs Etrieve platform combines document management, electronic forms and workflow automation functionality. The two primary applications provided by this platform in use at Davidson College are Etrieve Content, and Etrieve Central. For a more detailed overview of Softdocs Etrieve, see this product page.
Etrieve Central, the focus of this article, is used in support of business processes at Davidson College. This includes workflows (document routing and approval), and forms (including any attached documents). At the completion of a workflow, the documents are filed in Etrieve Content. As of this writing, this includes AP Payment Request submission (Long and Short Form) as well as approval of payments. Additional forms and workflows will be added in support of other business processes at Davidson. Further information on Etrieve Content is available here.
More detail on using Etrieve Central are available in the User Guide provided by Softdocs. This will require a Softdocs Community account registration. If you are a frequent user of Etrieve, the Softdocs Community page provides access to all current documentation, frequently asked questions and other helpful information.
To access Etrieve Central at Davidson:
- Log into your Davidson Single-Sign User ID at
- You will now be presented with the Etrieve Central Screen
Submitting Forms
By clicking on the "Forms" menu, you will be presented with a list of forms available to you based on your role.
Currently there are two forms and one report that are available depending on your role. Further information is available here:
- AP Payment Request - Short Form (Authorized employees only)
- AP Payment Request - Long Form (Authorized employees only)
- AP Payment Review Report (Authorized Business Services employees only)